Chancellor Philip Hammond ‘banned’ from using ministerial transport aircraft unpaid usage fees

The MoD are refusing to let the Chancellor use transport aircraft until the Treasury settles an unpaid debt for previous flights with No 32 Squadron.

New Officer Commanding 617 Squadron takes first flight in F-35B

The new Officer Commanding of 617 Squadron, Wing Commander John Butcher, has taken his first flight in an F-35B.

RAF on high alert due to heightened Arctic cargo aircraft activity

The Royal Air Force will reportedly be on high alert in the coming weeks in order to track cargo flights from the Arctic region.

Coalition provides details of latest strikes against Islamic State

Coalition military forces continued to attack Islamic State conducting 16 strikes consisting of 29 engagements in the last week officials reported today. Officials reported details of...

Wildcat helicopters return home after hurricane relief mission

Royal Navy Wildcat helicopter Flight 216 from 815 Naval Air Squadron has returned home after a seven month deployment in the Caribbean embarked on RFA Mounts Bay.

Royal Marines storm Greek airfield

Bravo Company, 40 Commando, deployed from HMS Ocean and stormed a Greek airfield.

HMS Ocean leads NATO fleet storming Crete in major exercise

More than 20 ships and over 300 British, Greek and US Marines led by HMS Ocean, participated in storming Crete for the Greek Navy’s main autumn war games.

Infrastructure works worth £500m continue at RAF Marham to prepare for the F-35

Infrastructure works to prepare RAF Marham for the arrival of the F-35 combat aircraft next year are well underway at the Norfolk base.

WATCH: Interview with the first F-35 pilot to land aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth in...

Watch an interview with Commander Nath Gray, Royal Navy F-35 pilot - he will be the first pilot to land aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth in 2018.

Worldwide military UAV market now worth $80 Billion

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles will be the most dynamic growth sector of the world aerospace industry this decade, more than tripling in the next decade, report Teal analysts in their latest market analysis.



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