Typhoon jets obliterate Islamic State stronghold in Syria

Typhoon jets conducted an attack against a heavily fortified building held by Islamic State while supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Nigeria purchase A-29 Super Tucano aircraft, weapons, and associated support from the US

The sale includes all associated training, spare parts, aviation and ground support equipment, and hangar, facilities, and infrastructure required to support the program.

Islamic State ammunition factory destroyed by British Typhoon jets

Typhoon jets were once again in action over Syria, taking out teams of snipers and an Islamic State ammunition factory.

Australia purchase 1,952 ALE-70 countermeasures for F-35 fleet in $109m deal

The US State Department has approved the sale of ALE-70 Radio Frequency Countermeasures to Australia for their F-35 fleet.

Coalition forces continue to ‘degrade Islamic State combat ability’ say officials

Coalition airstrikes continue to target and kill Islamic State leaders and fighters, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials said today.

Baldwin: Typhoon ‘world’s most powerful and reliable swing-role combat aircraft’

Defence Minister Harriett Baldwin praised the Typhoon during the recent Royal International Air Tatoo at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire.

Royal Air Force JTACs integrate with US counterparts

Royal Air Force personnel recently spent time with the US 93d Air Ground Operations Wing at Moody Air Force Base in the United States.

Royal Navy officers control US Air Force 48th Fighter Wing aircraft in training exercise

Members of the Royal Navy visited the US 48th Fighter Wing at Lakenheath where they gained experience in controlling different types of aircraft. The trip...

Pentagon details coalition strikes hitting Islamic State in Syria, Iraq

US and coalition forces continued to attack Islamic State, conducting 12 strikes consisting of 16 engagements, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

RAF Sentinel aircraft returns from the Middle East

A Sentinel R1 aircraft based at RAF Waddington, was today welcomed back following the latest successful mission supporting the coalition in the fight against Islamic State in the Middle East.



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