Lockheed Martin details how F-35B will work with ski-jumps

The partnership between Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems means the design of the F-35B incorporates the ski-jump takeoff capability from the very beginning.

Cameron to take first flight on converted Voyager aircraft

The refitted Voyager will be tasked with flying senior ministers to global events and summits and is still fully capable of its original role...

UK P-8 Maritime Patrol Aircraft purchase cost revealed

The P-8 Poseidon is an aircraft designed for anti-submarine warfare; anti-surface warfare and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

Stoltenberg: NATO to use AWACS against Islamic State

NATO is expected to approve the use of AWACS aircraft to assist the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group in the Middle East.

Could drones eventually be grown in a lab?

Scientists at BAE Systems and the University of Glasgow have outlined their current thinking about military aircraft and notably, the growing of drones.

Germany grounds A400M aircraft over engine worries

Germany has grounded two of its three A400M transport aircraft due to newly discovered gearbox issues on their turboprop engines.

IN PICTURES: F-35B supercarrier flypast

The future of the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force combat air fleets, the F-35B, flew over their future carriers and RAF Marham.

Typhoon with enhanced weapons fit to fly at Air Shows

A BAE Systems Typhoon featuring the latest P3E weapons fit will display at the 2016 Royal International Air Tattoo and Farnborough International Air Show.

Man found guilty of endangering RAF jets

A man accused of endangering RAF jets by shining a powerful torch at them has has been found guilty.

UPDATE: British combat aircraft continue to pound Islamic State

British aircraft have continued to conduct air operations against Islamic State with no civilian casualties.



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