How to spot fake accounts: Misinformation amid UK riots
This article investigates what appears to be a fake Twitter account designed to spread misinformation, highlighting its high-frequency, automated posting of polarising content amid recent riots.
Tensions mount in the Middle East
Does this mean that we are heading inexorably towards an expanded regional war? No, it doesn't, not yet anyway argues Lt Col Stuart Crawford.
Does Hamas assassination bring Middle East to the brink?
Recent events have brought a general regional war closer, but we are not yet at the tipping point argues Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford.
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UK ‘not prepared’ to fight ground war in Europe
Britain faces the possibility of being at war in the next five years without the means to wage it argues Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford.
UK Border Force returns migrants to France – expert Q&A
The UK Border Force has returned a group of migrants to France after their small boat got into trouble in the English Channel.
Xi and Putin talk up their bloc as NATO counterweight
China and Russia appear to be gathering together in an alliance which will be pitted directly against the collective West.
UK ‘may be out of tank game’ within next ten years
The way things are going, the UK may well be out of the MBT game altogether within the next ten years unless the government sharpen up their ideas argues Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford, former tank commander and defence analyst.
The Guyana-Venezuela dispute and UK involvement
In late 2023, tensions between Guyana and Venezuela resurged following the latter’s renewed claims and hostile rhetoric over the Essequibo region, also known as 'Guayana Esequiba'.