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A guide to the UK’s RC-135 Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft

The United Kingdom purchased three KC-135R aircraft for conversion to RC-135W Rivet Joint standard under the Airseeker project, let's take a closer look.

Why is Brazil buying HMS Ocean anyway?

The news of the sale of HMS Ocean to Brazil has caused commentators to look at why Brazil wants the vessel while at the same time decommissioning their only aircraft carrier.

A guide to British amphibious and sea-lift vessels

British amphibious and sea-lift capability rests in the hands of specialised vessels let's take a look at those vessels.

We Will Rock You – The Resilience and Importance of Gibraltar

Positioned at the northern side of the Mediterranean strait between Europe and Africa is the British territory of Gibraltar

A guide to the Dreadnought class nuclear submarine

The Dreadnought class will replace the Vanguard class submarines from 2028 onwards and will host the United Kingdom's nuclear deterrent.

HMS Queen Elizabeth doesn’t run on Windows XP

Numerous media reports have claimed HMS Queen Elizabeth is vulnerable to cyber attack because she uses Windows XP, that is not the case.

Should we be concerned about the leak found on HMS Queen Elizabeth?

Issues like this occur often on vessels of all types, especially during a phase of their life designed to identify and rectify faults. This is not a serious concern.

First rise in global arms sales since 2010, says SIPRI

Sales of arms and military services by the world’s largest arms-producing and military services companies, the SIPRI Top 100, totalled $374.8 billion in 2016, according to new international arms industry data released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

The F-35, does it deserve the flak?

It's no secret that the F-35 has had severe cost and schedule issues.

The UK needs a new Strategic Defence and Security Review

While it is the case that Britain only had a Strategic Defence and Security Review in 2015 circumstances have clearly changed.



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