Coalition strikes continue in Iraq and Syria

Coalition forces continued to attack Islamic State, conducting seven strikes consisting of eight engagements officials reported today.

Coalition strikes against Islamic State continue in Syria and Iraq

Coalition military forces continue to attack Islamic State, conducting multiple strikes over the last few days, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported.

British boots begin to leave Caribbean as recovery operations end

One month after they landed in the wake of Hurricane Irma, the remaining members of 40 Commando Royal Marines are on their way back to the UK.

Supercarrier USS Nimitz completes historic 200,000th catapult shot

The USS Nimitz successfully completed her 100,000th aircraft launch from Catapult Two last week, marking the second time, since the ship's commissioning in 1975, that that milestone has been achieved.

Eurofighter target Poland with latest sales bid

The Eurofighter consortium declared at MSPO defence exhibition that Poland should consider the Typhoon as it looks at its future combat aircraft requirements.

Australia to spend $815 million on 3,900 bombs for F-35 fleet

The US State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia for GBU-53/B Small Diameter Bomb Increment II (SDB II). 

Canada lays out plans for $5bn order of 18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet jets and other equipment

The US government has agreed to a potential sale of 18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircraft to Canada worth $5.23 billion, the State Department announced.

US Navy launch new amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli

The US Navy have christened its newest America class amphibious assault ship, the future USS Tripoli.

Is the potential for conflict in the Korean peninsula becoming a reality?

The latest round of missile tests, and the testing of a hydrogen bomb has now made war on the Korean peninsula more realistic.

First-ever ‘Desert Observer’ exercise between US Army, Kuwait

Soldiers from the US 3rd Armoured Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division and Kuwaiti military forces conducted the first-ever Desert Observer exercise near Udairi Range in northern Kuwait.



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Britain is a powerful country – but let’s not be silly

Britain is often portrayed as a nation in decline, but its global influence and capabilities remain significant. As one of the world’s leading nations, the United Kingdom still punches above its weight on the international stage.