HMS Montrose returns to sea

HMS Montrose began her refit in 2014  and she has been fitted with the newly developed Sea Ceptor missile system, an Artisan radar and other new systems.

HMS Queen Elizabeth encounters propeller shaft debris issue on trials

Aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has picked up an item of debris around one of the propeller shafts officials have confirmed, quashing earlier rumours of a major malfunction.

HMS Daring removed from active service to become harbour training ship due to manning...

Earlier fears that HMS Dauntless would spend the rest of her career tied up alongside have now been calmed, but only because HMS Daring has taken her place as harbour training ship.

Northrop Grumman awarded MK 48 Heavyweight Torpedo contract

The US Navy has awarded Northrop Grumman Corporation a $9.6 million contract to produce the Transducer Array/Nose Shell Assembly of the MK 48 heavyweight torpedo.

Queen Elizabeth class supercarriers represent ‘powerful strategic deterrent’

The new Queen Elizabeth class supercarriers will represent a "powerful and important strategic conventional deterrent" according to the First Sea Lord.

Spartan – A contender for the Type 31 Frigate?

Steller Systems is offering Project Spartan, a 'configurable, modular, survivable, affordable and exportable ship', to the Type 31 Frigate programme.

Indian carrier aircraft ‘riddled with problems’

The MiG-29K, the backbone of Indian carrier aviation, is "riddled with problems" due to defects in the airframes, engines and fly-by-wire systems.

First aircraft land on aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth

A Merlin helicopter has become first aircraft to land on HMS Queen Elizabeth.

Shipbuilders union hails Type 26 Frigate deal for Clyde as ‘fantastic economic benefit for...

GMB, the union for shipbuilders, has welcomed the Ministry Of Defence’s announcement that a contract to build the Type 26 frigates has been signed.

BAE Systems Australia chief hopeful Australia will opt for Type 26 Frigate

Glynn Phillips said the signing of the UK Type 26 Frigate contract should provide the Australian government with confidence in the company's bid.



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