Opinion Section

Hamas humiliated by Israel

Of course, Hezbollah has sworn revenge but there doesn’t appear to be anything significant they can do in the short term argues Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford.

Defence Review 2024 – There will be cuts, but what’s going?

The UK's 'Global Britain' ambition is at risk, with the military facing severe cutbacks and equipment shortages leaving the nation ill-prepared for growing global conflicts.


RFA seafarers to protest Labour Party Conference

While all RFA personnel have been directed to refrain from duties during strike days, essential safety protocols, such as maintaining moorings and gangways, will be strictly observed.

UK seeks commercial aerial surveillance for maritime security

The UK is seeking a commercial aerial surveillance service to replace current arrangements with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Marine Scotland to fill gaps in shore-based sensor coverage.

Britain trials new naval drone force on NATO exercise

Annual NATO wargames provide a testing ground for the Royal Navy's new drones, unscrewed surface vessels and more.


Britain’s first new early warning aircraft takes flight

The E-7 Wedgetail airborne early warning and control aircraft conducted a test flight from Birmingham Airport.

UK, US, Australian air crews train for Pacific conflict

Forces from all three nations operated across multiple locations under a centralised command and control structure.

New radar for Typhoon jets to take to the skies shortly

The first flight of a Typhoon equipped with the new radar is expected to take place in the coming weeks.


Ben Wallace criticises BBC ahead of Afghanistan Inquiry

Former Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has criticised the BBC for allegedly pressuring him with last-minute questions ahead of his appearance at a judge-led inquiry into UK Special Forces in Afghanistan.

MBDA aiming Brimstone at British Army requirement

MBDA has revealed its surface-launched Brimstone weapon system.

First prototype UK Boxer armoured mortar variant revealed

Patria and Rheinmetall have revealed the first UK prototype of the Boxer Armoured Mortar Variant at #DVD2024.

International News

Fact Checks

A Russian submarine, Scotland, and an odd conspiracy

A recent BBC Scotland news story about the sighting of a Russian submarine off the west coast of Scotland has sparked a flurry of odd reactions on social media.

The myth that nukes are in Scotland to keep England safe

Misconceptions can often take root and spread quickly, one incorrect claim is that the UK stores all of its nukes in Scotland because they're too dangerous to keep in England. 

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