The Aircraft Carrier Alliance have detailed the the Integrated Mission System that can be found aboard the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.
The mission system is best described as being the integration of three capabilities. The first area is known as the “real-time systems area.” This covers: command management; management of sensors; and meteorological and navigational systems. The real-time systems area has at its core the combat management system, and includes meteorological and navigational systems, radar systems, including for detection and air traffic control, the identification friend or foe and direction-finding systems, the tactical navigation system that enables aircraft to locate the carrier, visual surveillance systems within the ship and on the flight deck, and small weapons.
Second, the mission system incorporates the ship’s communication systems. This is every form of communication on and off board. Internal communications cover everything from desk phones to intercoms to wireless communications. External communications cover systems and assets sending information off the ship; this encompasses data, video, and voice – everything from HF upwards to satellite frequencies. Equipment here includes broadcast and alarm systems, tactical communications, and other systems required to connect to the command team as well as the wireless communications that allow freedom of movement and efficient communication for the crew on board.
For the first time on a Royal Navy aircraft carrier the Queen Elizabeth Class will be making extensive use of wireless communications throughout the vessel. Previously if a member of the Ship’s Company needed to be contacted, for example by the duty watch or because someone had received a phone call, the message would be ‘piped’ or summoned over the main broadcast system. This adds to what can already be a very noisy environment around the ship. Having the wireless communications will significantly reduce the number of pipes made as the Officer of the Day, duty watch and other key personnel will carry radios allowing them to communicate easily with less disruption caused to the rest of the Ship’s Company.
The third element is the ship’s information systems. As well as individual systems, this third element includes the networked infrastructure that integrates all the sensors, communications, and other elements, and also brings together the mission planning and data exploitation applications that enable the carrier to conduct its missions.
Read more here.
Incredibly innovative and futuristic these QE classes, truly a milestone in development for conventionally powered fleet carriers.
Im supriesd there is no mention of the MOD plans to scrap our amphibious landing ships which is just madness yet we are happy to give away millions in foriegn aid , is this goverment asking for the uk to be defeated.
At this point in time, it is just press speculation. The MoD, bless ’em, have said that no such decisions have been made. Not saying it won’t, but currently just seems to be journos trying to (successfully) wind people up.
Rear Admiral Alex Burton retweeted one of his previous tweets today, saying that whilst he can temporarily do without a flat top (Ocean) he cannot do without Albion and Bulwark to deliver forces in theatre.
I’ll take comfort in that until something official comes out!!
I agree Dave 12 do much for the year of the navy from Fallon and May – much rather lose the new Dreadnoughts for a bigger better real politic navy
Surely that can’t be right Dave, Mr Fallon said the RN was growing … Couldn’t be lying again could he???!!!
Its just depressing
Dave, John,
Do you think that UKDJ hasn’t reported because they’re waiting for some facts?
That’s a bit radical, innit?
The facts are there is shortfall in the defence budget ranging from £20bn to £30bn over the next 10 years. This can be better or worse by the value of sterling against other currencies.
So the UK has to either increase the defence budget or cut planned spending commitments.
The current state of play is that each service has to come up with a range of options to cut spending within their service.
Figures within the military are leaking these options in the hope that some will be considered politically unacceptable.
Not all the proposed cuts that have been leaked will occur, but some will.
The hollowing out process continues following the poor defence procurement decisions made over the past 20 years.
The cuts will solve short term fiscal problems, but continue the decline of the UKs warfighting capability.
Shame the ukdj couldn’t come up with an article based on the above.
I’m not sure if some of the contributors have trouble with simple “math” or have other motivations. A “black hole” of £10-15bn over a 10 year period amounts to £1.5bn per annum. The defence equipment budget is appx. £18bn per annum. So we are talking less than 10% max. This amounts to pushing a couple of projects out a few years. Is this good? No. Is this a national disaster? No. Are we the only G7 nation to have this issue? No. Take a chill pill guys.
Sounds very reasonable, but unfortunately you have made an error.
The most likely outcome is that the future equipment procurement budget is not going to cut, the cuts will be to existing forces structures, personnel and equipment
Cut 500 RM commandos will save £50m a year, enough to buy one new F35 every two years.
You could write to your MP’s to stop more defence cuts. Think the site is called “they work for you”.
You could also start a petition page. Over 100,000 signatures and they have to discuss in Parliament.
Not being political. Just would like the downhill slide to stop.
I have written to my MP on specific issues regarding the cuts to the capability of the armed forces.
He then passes on to the MOD for a reply, then a month or so later a reply is forthcoming.
The replies usually go into some detail, the conclusions that they draw near no resemblance to the real situation our service personnel would face in a combat situation.
I am afraid the hard lessons gained from combat are being lost in peacetime, so no change there then.
Just echo other people, can we please have an article on the potential “not a defence review” cuts..?
I’m sure we would all like to vent while not taking other threads off topic!
Cheers John
Lets just put the defence budget up by 1-2%
use the entirety of the foreign aid budget for all aid costs such as RAF flights delivering aid, RN ships being deployed to disaster zones etc.
Alternatively purchase more RFA ships and a new assault carrier from this budget and tag them as auxiliaries and disaster relief ships. Able to be called upon in times of war to support the RN.