Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) have completed the 47th annual Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) and now look forward to the next exercise, Dynamic Mongoose, say NATO.

BALTOPS is a joint, multinational maritime-focused operation providing a unique opportunity to build readiness across the full spectrum of military operations through the integration of maritime, air, amphibious, and mine countermeasure forces in a challenging and complex scenario, ultimately testing the forces’ ability to ensure the safety of sea-lanes and the security of the Baltic region.

SNMG1, say the Alliance, highlighted NATO’s integration with allies and partner nations by operating together as one of the exercise task groups, securing the seas for amphibious task group operations, and partnering with Lithuania for a live Hellfire missile shoot.

“We completed around 40 serialized events,” said Canadian Lt. Cmdr. Richard Jenkins, a SNMG1 Staff Battle Watch Captain.

“The serials ranged from air defense, anti-submarine, simulated surface engagements, joint personnel recovery and gunnery exercises. There was a lot of integration between forces which is crucial to providing lessons learned for future events when working together.”

As SNMG 1 wraps up BALTOPS 2019, they maintain their momentum by transitioning directly to Anti-submarine Warfare (ASW) in NATO’s exercise Dynamic Mongoose in July, say NATO.

George Allison
George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison


  1. I think the computer that randomly generates these names is on the piss…assuming that is how they are decided of course.

    • The UK Generates the names that way , the US has tended not to

      We do it to increase operational security and to lessen the chance of having an Operation name that is likely to cause offense. The US go with Operation Iraqi Freedom……

    • Hi Daniele-Dynamic Mongoose-hilarious. Feisty little animals but as you say, a difficult name to take seriously. Btw we have 5 different species in and around Durban. Cheers G

  2. Up next: Exercise Strutting Peacock.

    On a serious note, the Type 23’s alongside in Norway for this exercise made for some good photographs over the weekend.


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