The Council on Geostrategy has released new research, commissioned by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), calling on the British government to collaborate with allies in providing Ukraine with long-range and advanced weapons to defeat Russia in its ongoing war of aggression.

The report comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky presents his ‘victory plan’ during his visit to the United States this week.

The report, titled ‘The trilateral initiative: A minilateral to catalyse Russia’s defeat?’, argues that the UK, alongside key European partners such as Poland, must take bold leadership by supplying Ukraine with the weaponry necessary to target Russia’s military infrastructure, particularly in the frontier zone.

This zone serves as a key base for Russia’s strikes on Ukrainian territory.

You can read the Point Paper here.

The study, written by James Rogers and William Freer from the Council on Geostrategy, outlines the critical importance of Ukraine’s victory, warning of the severe consequences for Europe and NATO unity should Russia emerge victorious. It highlights the need for the UK to revive the 2022 ‘trilateral initiative,’ which initially united Britain, Poland, and Ukraine in a shared effort to secure Ukraine’s success.

Key to this initiative is the provision of long-range weapons that would allow Ukraine to strike Russian targets en masse, particularly calling for the destruction of the Crimean Bridge. This symbolic and logistical link between Russia and occupied Crimea has been identified as a key target to weaken Russia’s ability to wage war in southern Ukraine.

The paper also notes that a Ukrainian victory, facilitated by UK leadership, could reassert Britain’s role on the global stage and reconnect the nation with key European allies.

In contrast, a Russian victory would carry significant economic and political costs for the UK, potentially destabilising NATO and forcing Britain to divert resources away from domestic priorities such as economic growth and Net Zero initiatives.

Council on Geostrategy’s James Rogers, Director of Research, and William Freer, Research Fellow in National Security, said:

“Ukraine is at a critical moment with victory possible, but there is currently no clear strategy to secure a Russian defeat. A Russian victory is also still possible, but this would endanger NATO unity and emphasise the idea that “might makes right”.The economic consequences of a Russian victory would also be severe, especially for the UK, as it would jeopardise missions to deliver economic growth and Net Zero with Britain forced instead to invest more into defence.

Facing political irresolution in France, Germany and, potentially, the US, it falls to the new British government to provide the leadership needed to help Ukraine. The new British government has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to restore the partnership formed with Poland and Ukraine, and deliver victory for Ukraine.”

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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maurice10 (@guest_857193)
3 hours ago

The UK must not act unilaterally on this issue and all agreements conducted through NATO. You can make all kinds of parallels from history where past actions have made a key difference and this could be just one of those occasions.

maurice10 (@guest_857195)
3 hours ago
Reply to  maurice10

Is it my computer (which is brand new) or is this site experiencing some problems as I’m getting a slow response when opening and sending replies??? This is not evident on other sites.

Marked (@guest_857198)
3 hours ago
Reply to  maurice10

Probably Johninmk’s mates carrying out ddos on the site, it was named in a recent Russian tantrum about Western media spreading lies.

Old Tony
Old Tony (@guest_857199)
3 hours ago
Reply to  maurice10

I’ve had that too, recently.

Martyn Heale
Martyn Heale (@guest_857207)
1 hour ago
Reply to  maurice10

Am experiencing difficulty accessing this site. 2 days now.

Graham Moore
Graham Moore (@guest_857221)
20 seconds ago
Reply to  Martyn Heale

…and I lost notifications of replies to my posts, about a month ago!

Jim (@guest_857205)
2 hours ago
Reply to  maurice10

We may have no choice, France and Germany have always been useless to a certain extent when it came to action but unfortunately the US is rapidly joining them. Doesn’t matter if it’s Harris or the Donald US foreign policy is only going one way which is very much a return to the 1940’s of isolationism unless the other side are Asian at which point we try and wynd them up as much as possible to start a war.

It’s likely to be the UK, Poland and the JEF countries leading anything against Russia.

FieldLander (@guest_857218)
34 minutes ago
Reply to  maurice10

I fundamentally disagree.
NATO will take no significant action without US involvement. The US is paralysed by an election. There is a 50% chance that that election US will immediately suspend any effort to aid UKR. Then a slow and painful loss ensues that will leave NATO and Europe in particular looking over a new Iron Curtain with all its long term costs.
Unfortunately a coalition that does not include the US will not succeed.
I guess that means that UKR survival is 50/50.

Marked (@guest_857196)
3 hours ago

Show some bloody back bone and give Ukraine the ability to match the threats they face. If the US in particular want to be spineless that’s not our problem.

Jacko (@guest_857206)
2 hours ago
Reply to  Marked

It’s not that easy being a member of NATO we cannot do things that MIGHT endanger other members! The authority to use our Storm Shadow believe it or not has to come from SACEUR

Last edited 2 hours ago by Jacko