Earlier this week, the UK Defence Journal received a letter from Argentina containing bold suggestions and… interesting claims.

I was going to comment on this, but, you’ll see why I didn’t.

“Dear Sirs,

I agree with Mr. Alliison; we will go to war against the UK again. I would like to correct Mr. Alliison: those are the Malvinas, and they are Argentine islands. You stole them from us, and we have always wanted them back.

To make things clear, General Paleo, the former chief of staff of the Argentine armed forces, stated in an interview that it is quite easy to retake the Malvinas today. The local UK garrison is small and only survives due to a couple of airfields. If the airfields are destroyed, the garrison falls. Should I receive the order to attack now, it is case closed.

Paleo is a brilliant military leader. In the last twenty years, Argentina has turned into the number one designer and manufacturer of nuclear reactors. We are far more advanced than the UK, Germany, etc. We are number one in the world, with more than 8,000 scientists. Products like the CAREM place us alone in an $800,000 market. The USA has been trying to stop us. We will provide Holland with a nuclear reactor for radioisotopes, meeting approximately 60% of Europe’s needs. My dear sirs, this is the bomb (boom). You cannot really believe that the number one manufacturer and nuclear designer in the world does not have the bomb. According to top nuclear scientists, we have developed ways to refine uranium to more than 90% purity that are not possible to detect. Besides, with Brazil, we have refused any control for the last 40 years. Fancy that. Only Brazilians enter Argentine nuclear plants, and Argentines enter Brazilian nuclear plants. We have a saying here: the south will be for the south.

Argentina is the largest and most sophisticated radar manufacturer in the southern hemisphere and one of the most important manufacturers in the world. Our country is more radarized than the UK. Our AESA radars can follow 600 targets, pick up any target with artificial intelligence, blind it, and proceed to its destruction. Our tanks and planes can be fired from a command and control center thousands of miles away. We can see an egg falling from any part of the South Atlantic, 560 km from any of our radars. Believe me, they are top of the art and very lethal.

Argentina is the number six world designer and manufacturer of satellites. Our clients include ESA, NASA, and the French Space Agency. We design everything from satellites to components. Do not believe anyone who tells you that the FOCUS constellation of military satellites is not ready. They are operative. Welcome to Argentina. FOCUS, phonetically “sucof” reading from right to left, in honor of Soviet Marshal Zhukov, gives you an idea of what you are about to face soon.

We are, after the superpowers, the number one ballistic missile operator and designer. We are far more sophisticated than Iran and North Korea, both merely Russian technology operators. We create our own monsters. The Tronador missile has a military variant capable of destroying any target 3,000 km away. It is millimeter accurate and can carry a 1,000 kg conventional warhead or a small nuclear bomb. In the 1980s, we had the Cóndor. Tronador is far better than Iskander. It was tested in combat when we ejected Evo Morales from power in 2019. By the way, General Paleo’s combination of special forces and Tronador caused havoc between Iranian and Bolivian paras. You cannot expect that 5,000 scientists specializing in space and missiles would not develop a toy.

Returning to General Paleo’s speech, the first strike with Tronador would destroy Typhoons, airfields, and any radar facility. Any ship not moving would be destroyed in seconds. Then you would be requested to leave. If you do not, we would destroy all food, water, and medical warehouses in the Malvinas. Without light, gas, food, and water, as General Paleo said, it is case closed. South Georgia would fall in hours, and British bases in Antarctica would be occupied in hours. As General Paleo said, islands are very difficult to defend. I will attack England from Santa Elena to Antarctica. How will you consolidate an army trying to land with a rain of missiles destroying any static ship and any construction on land?

We will have an aircraft carrier and missile launcher that will go from Salvador de Bahia in Brazil up to Ushuaia. Your problem is not F-16s; the USA bribed Milei at your request. Your problem is the above plus MiG-35s, KH-101s, Kinzhal, S-500s, KH-555s, and Kalibrs. You are not seeing the picture even if our top military leaders are telling you that you are already gone.

We have a scheduling problem. From 2035 to 2050, the world will shift to green hydrogen. With a production area that goes from Bahia Blanca to Ushuaia, we will be the largest green hydrogen producer with wind. It is a 2,200 km long front that goes hundreds of kilometers inland. As former German Ambassador Sante said, unlimited money for Argentina for unlimited quantities of green hydrogen for Europe. What I mean is that our differences must be solved before 2030. Do you understand? This is about energy. This is about Antarctica. And this is about the atomic bomb. Argentina built the above technology complex in the last 20 years, investing $80 billion.

One more piece of advice: the 1820 Rivadavia-García model cannot be replicated in 2024 with Javier Milei.

Best regards,

Ezequiel Cersosimo
Military Analyst
Master in History
Speaks 4 languages
20 trips to China


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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Marked (@guest_830508)
3 days ago

Delusional. Or a comedian.

Jas (@guest_830509)
3 days ago

Does his nurse know he is off his meds again?

David Owen
David Owen (@guest_830510)
3 days ago

Go back to sleep ,idiot ,we will attack you lot again,

lee (@guest_830515)
3 days ago

20 trips to china. Now besides your (we fire one shot for honour and then surrender) showing. Why if youve got all that kit mention that?

PS ive been to Majorca 4 times the canary islands twice

Barry Larking
Barry Larking (@guest_830516)
3 days ago


Ryan (@guest_830519)
3 days ago

He’s certainly optimistic, so there’s that. Not sure anyone else recognises his version of Argentina though

jack (@guest_830522)
3 days ago

We’d better surrender now or else!! Been to China 20 times so he should know!

Jacko (@guest_830524)
3 days ago

Meanwhile back on earth life continues as normal!

Andy reeves
Andy reeves (@guest_831213)
1 day ago
Reply to  Jacko


Bazza (@guest_830525)
3 days ago

I almost want them to try, just so the military gets a spending boost.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_830528)
3 days ago

Heed this terrible warning. Have you all forgotten how we lost the empire in Africa to the superior tech of Wakanda?

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_830529)
3 days ago

You are all owned by the SIS anyway.

Bob79 (@guest_830530)
3 days ago

Oh I do hope he was returned to his padded room straight after that…. Don’t want the special little fella hurting himself

George Amery
George Amery (@guest_830538)
3 days ago

Hi folks hope all is well.
Cor blimey is this person for real? It appears to be child talking to his friends, my dad can beat your dad. How ridiculous can this be? No wonder George Allison treated the response with contemptible attitude and quite correct.
I would ask UKDJ has the reply been sent to the UK MOD? They would find it interesting!

Geoff Roach
Geoff Roach (@guest_830556)
3 days ago

Come on George. You had me thinking it was Christmas for a while and it was another fantasy story. Oh, it is fantasy story. Sorry..🎅😊

GlynH (@guest_830559)
3 days ago

I thought I was having a seizure while reading this.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_830567)
3 days ago
Reply to  GlynH

Undecided which bit is best.
Tanks fired from a c3 centre cracked me up, but “sucof” for FM Zhukov even more!
Now we know what all those escaped Nazi’s have been up to.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_830578)
3 days ago

Continuity Judean People’s Liberation Front!!

Gemma (@guest_830560)
3 days ago

In Argentina, citizens are on streets rioting & the Nation has disastrous 300% inflation It’s military is in very bad shape all round even with hand full of second hand F16s. UK can reinforce the Falklands within 24 to 48hr and can do it by flying non stop from UK RAF Bases to RAF Mount Pleasant. Even at time of dangerously depleted armed forces in manpower and modern kit. IMO Argentina is in no fit state economically or militarily to take the Falklands.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_830563)
3 days ago

Eggs in the South Atlantic? He must have forgotten about that sub that was lost that they were unable to find without the big boys turning up to assist while they persisted with their binoculars they bought from their version of Poundland.

Jon (@guest_830603)
3 days ago

Our radars track supersonic tennis balls, theirs track falling eggs. Just a little bit more R&D and I’m sure they will be able track aircaft too.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_830614)
3 days ago
Reply to  Jon

Good spot!

Jon (@guest_830634)
3 days ago

It’s fun translating. For example the reason it can only destroy ships if they don’t move is because in his fantasy world Argentina don’t have long-distance missiles capable of striking moving targets. That they don’t actually have any capable of hitting static targets either is neither here nor there. Like any piece of fiction, you have to suspend disbelief to understand. In the real world, Tronador is an unguided sub-orbital rocket. Its successor, a low-orbital launcher with a guidance system, is expected towards the end of the decade. However, in the fantasy landcape a guidance system is a guidance system… Read more »

klonkie (@guest_830969)
2 days ago

Good point DM. I note their remaining two boats are more or less paid off now.

Coll (@guest_830564)
3 days ago

Is this some sort of out of season April Fools joke?

Matt C
Matt C (@guest_830568)
3 days ago

The poor dear seems to be Argentina’s answer to Mike Sparks.

Dave (@guest_830570)
3 days ago

Are you sure this letter is from an Argentinian? Sounds more like a Scottish Nat!

lordtemplar (@guest_830572)
3 days ago

lol. I wonder what he puts in his coffee.

Cj (@guest_830869)
2 days ago
Reply to  lordtemplar

I wonder what he smokes while having his coffee.

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_830577)
3 days ago

Sounds like the lovechild of JohninMK and Christina Kercher.

Airborne (@guest_830665)
3 days ago

I was gonna mention JohninMK, damn you got there first!

Posse Comitatus
Posse Comitatus (@guest_830881)
2 days ago
Reply to  Airborne

😃😃 He’s on the comeback trail !!

Jonathan (@guest_831416)
13 hours ago

You’ve just made me throw up in my mouth..

Brom (@guest_830579)
3 days ago

Luckily we don’t judge all Argentinians on The basis of their nutters as I hope they don’t do with us

Henryv (@guest_830581)
3 days ago

I wonder how many times he’s been to the Falklands, I’ve been 5 times including 1982, my frigate was a bit buggered on the return journey home.

Does Blackpool count? been there over 20 times :).

Dave Wolfy
Dave Wolfy (@guest_830586)
3 days ago

Scraping the barrel publishing this.
Isn’t the world otherwise busy enough?

ABCRodney (@guest_830587)
3 days ago

George perhaps it may be an idea to forward it to the Argentine Embassy? It’s easy to point fingers but it’s obvious that this person really needs professional help. Maybe put in a nice polite note suggesting that someone in Argentina pops round to check on this guy.

Jon (@guest_830601)
3 days ago
Reply to  ABCRodney

If President Trump wrote this, you’d think he was having a good day. Of course the man is delusional, but what You Tube commentator isn’t?

Apoplectix (@guest_830593)
3 days ago

Someone’s been eating the wrong mushrooms.

Spyinthesky (@guest_830594)
3 days ago

Damn I only speak 3 languages and am retired, we are doomed I tells ya doomed by April the 1st it will be all over unless Flash Gordon can save us from Paleo the Merciless

Jack (@guest_830610)
3 days ago

Why publish the ramblings of someone who is clearly mentally ill ?

Bob (@guest_830618)
3 days ago

Is it April 1st?

D.Roberts (@guest_830626)
3 days ago

They’ve done pretty well out of their 3 billion defence budget then

Hermes (@guest_830632)
3 days ago

Did you really need to publish such a joke?

Frank62 (@guest_830640)
3 days ago

Delusional. Sounds like he could be egged on by the PLA/FSB. God bless Argentina & hope sane heads prevail. The Argentine armed forces are way too weak to repeat 1982 for decades & the Falklands far better defended & quickly reinforceable. British since 1833 if I recall right & in the 1890-1900s Argentina was still shooting Patagonians on sight.

Airborne (@guest_830667)
3 days ago

And we thought we had clueless defence expert loons in the SNP and the Greens! This lizard will take some beating on the clearly deluded front!

Airborne (@guest_830668)
3 days ago

Is he noshing off General Paleo?

Andrew Lloyd
Andrew Lloyd (@guest_830689)
3 days ago

So I note his very indigenous name and why he would be against colonialism…. Oh no wait. Like virtually all Argentina they are there because they eradicated the native people and now complain about an island 400 miles away. Very interested in how names with Spanish, German can talk about the south for the south with a straight face

Gunbuster (@guest_830723)
2 days ago

Someone sat in Timmys thought …” Hang on…Ive got an idea for a jolly jape…”

FOSTERSMAN (@guest_830752)
2 days ago

Brilliant read, my best parts were when he states Argentina has the best ballistic missile that are better than Iran etc because they are russian knock offs. Then when we get destroyed it’s because of the plentiful stock of russian missiles lol.

Jack. (@guest_830809)
2 days ago

I agree with Mr Cersosimo. The south will be for the south. The south will be for Australia. We will have nuclear. Nuclear he can only dream of. We are radarized. We can see far – see further than his egg. And we have drop bears. They hide in trees, and drop down on their prey. You think we’re joking? Thylacoleo Carnifex. Look it up. And we have funnel web spiders. One air drop of these on any base, and there will be no one to fight. And we have crocodiles. So many. And snakes. And we have possums. They… Read more »

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_830879)
2 days ago
Reply to  Jack.


klonkie (@guest_830968)
2 days ago
Reply to  Jack.

Hi Jack fascinating post , I learnt something new re Thylacoleo Carnifex. Reminds me of the Tassie Tiger (Thylacine). As I am posting this from Auckland, would you guys like your Possums back? In particular , you are most welcome to the one in residence in my garden.

Jack. (@guest_831086)
1 day ago
Reply to  klonkie

Cheers klonkie, you are most welcome to send it back via customs but the problem might be that another will take residence in your yard. They get territorial, the big brustails. The little ring tail possums are less destructive and more cute. On topic, and I hope UKDJ might pick these stories up: ‘Falkland Islands eyes economic boom in talks to exploit huge oil field’ – Telegraph UK. That development could spice things up. ‘At Dunkirk she rescued fleeing troops – now HMS Wellington must herself be saved’ – Telegraph UK HMS Wellington needs help – the Grimsby class sloop… Read more »

Jon (@guest_831455)
11 hours ago
Reply to  Jack.

They’ve been talking about Falklands Oil for the last thirty years.

Rob N
Rob N (@guest_830810)
2 days ago

Oh dear, is it April 1st.

Even if they did capture the islands they could not keep them. The RN would send a CSG with F35s and some SSNs and tgat would be game over. For a military expert he is not very good.

David (@guest_830905)
2 days ago

Was the letter dated 1 April 2024?

ChrisLondon (@guest_830907)
2 days ago

It’s good to know Argentina have their own version of UKIP/Reform.

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_831045)
1 day ago

This man clearly needs help .( Falklands 🇬🇧 )

Baz Melody
Baz Melody (@guest_831078)
1 day ago

Someone got out the wrong side of bed and forgot to take their meds.

Mike (@guest_831238)
1 day ago

Let’s see but whichever Government gets elected on Thursday they need to spend more and increase the presence of RN, RAF and Army in the best UK training base in the world. 4 Typhoons and An OPV is inadequate and send the wrong message to South America and China.

Jonathan (@guest_831417)
13 hours ago

Gosh and I though I ranted on about china….

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_831541)
7 hours ago
Reply to  Jonathan

You do!! You’ve scared the **** out of me enough times already!

Jonathan (@guest_831550)
7 hours ago

lol I decided to read a big research paper on it and scared myself…the guy who wrote it is a Dr of strategic studies in Australia…now I’m retired I’m thinking about doing a few digest literature studies for UK defence journal on the subject.

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_831552)
7 hours ago
Reply to  Jonathan

As one on our “top table” of posters, as DB said, you must.
I keep considering a deep dive ORBAT Organisation sort of article, but I’m not yet retired, lifes utterky hectic, and simply don’t have the inclination at the moment.

Jonathan (@guest_831557)
6 hours ago

I would love the ORBAT article..especially if you Could do a comparison of change over the decades…1980…1990..2000..2010..2020 ect…that would be brilliant….I could post on an on about how each change compares to the geopolitical and geostrategic risks faces by the UK at that time…

Daniele Mandelli
Daniele Mandelli (@guest_831573)
6 hours ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Yes, i could see that. I lay out the military and MoD map, you add the details on just what they ignored. One day may be.

Nicholas Wood
Nicholas Wood (@guest_831627)
2 hours ago

This guy sounds like he is a few Tacos short of a full platter.