BAE Systems in Govan, Glasgow, has submitted a planning application to install solar panels on the huge Ship Block Outfit Hall (SBOH).

While the firm has elected to restrict the planning application from public view, the proposal description is visible, it states:

“Proposed installation of roof mounted photovoltaic solar panels to building 9610 (SBOH Facility)”

The SBOH is shown below.

This isn’t the only work going on at the site, however.

The planned completion date of the new Shipbuilding Hall at Govan was confirmed in a recent Parliamentary exchange.

James Cartlidge, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, stated:

“BAE Systems has announced that on current plans the new shipbuilding hall at Govan will be completed in 2024. The new shipbuilding hall forms a key element of the improvements the company plans to make at its Clyde shipyards.

These include the digitisation of the facilities at both Govan and Scotstoun alongside a range of infrastructure and automation improvements such as tablets and kiosk screens on the shop floor to streamline production processes. The company also intends to open its Applied Shipbuilding Academy in 2024.”

Recent drone imagery shows the progress of a massive new ‘frigate factory’ in Glasgow. The massive facility at Govan represents a huge boost in capability for UK naval shipbuilding.

For the avoidance of doubt, the drone footage was obtained legally by a qualified person in adherence to UK drone legislation and guidance. In addition, the drone is insured, and a flight plan was submitted using drone safety software.

I previously reported that planning permission had been granted for a huge new shipbuilding hall at the BAE Systems site in Govan, with work on the first ship to be built in the facility starting soon.

Huge Glasgow ‘frigate factory’ planning permission granted

It is hoped that Type 26 ships 3 to 8 will be assembled in this facility, with the first two being assembled outdoors.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Supportive Bloke
Supportive Bloke (@guest_801155)
4 months ago

I suspect they are recladding the roof with insulated material and doing the PV at the same time.

Given astronomical energy prices it makes sense when you have a big roof like that.

I guess the frigate factory has PV as well?

Mark F
Mark F (@guest_801164)
4 months ago

To my mind, given the advances in solar technology over the last 10 to 15 years, I would have thought that all new buildings, especially warehouse types with large roof space should have solar panels fitted as a matter of course. Yes some older buildings are not suitable due to style or weight bearing capacity, but this should be included in the same way that house builders now have to install panels on the roofs.

John (@guest_801171)
4 months ago
Reply to  Mark F

To be honest solar panels this far north don’t make much sense. We only get about 8 hours of sunlight in the winter (when electricity use is also at its highest) and that sunlight is also weaker than it is nearer the equator, not to mention how often the sky is grey. Seems more about saying “look, we did a Green” than any serious power generation.

Frank (@guest_801172)
4 months ago
Reply to  John

That’s why you store it as well.. i run a motorhome off grid with two small panels a couple of Leisure batteries and an additional Power Station/pack… it’s more than enough even in winter.

The cost’s to purchase and install just have to be carefully calculated though.

John (@guest_801173)
4 months ago
Reply to  Frank

The power requirement of industry is orders of magnitude greater than a home and grid scale electricity storage does not exist.

Frank (@guest_801184)
4 months ago
Reply to  John

I never said it was ? …. I was actually replying to your comment that “It makes no sense” and giving an example of how Solar is used…. In this particular Instance, It would be used in parallel with Grid supply just like the many other Industrial applications throughout the land.
I’m pretty certain this would have been thoroughly researched and costings calculated.

Ex-Marine (@guest_801286)
4 months ago
Reply to  Frank

Solar PV, if the newer type panels are still useful that far north. My Wife is a director of a national solar PV company and she tells me that the PR will be good, a tax reduction excersise with ROI around 14-15 years in Glasgow.

Frank (@guest_801407)
4 months ago
Reply to  Ex-Marine

Solar panels are installed in many Industrial buildings throughout Scotland as well as domestically. PR is always good for any company.

Dern (@guest_801651)
4 months ago
Reply to  John

Any power we generate is good. Even if we don’t run the site completely off it.

Tommo (@guest_801174)
4 months ago
Reply to  John

A sunny day in Glasgow ? as rare as a Catholic Rangers supporter (few and far between)

Frank (@guest_801185)
4 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

Lol……… but seriously, it doesn’t have to be sunny to generate power….

Tommo (@guest_801212)
4 months ago
Reply to  Frank

Agree although they’ll have too be of a toughened laminate due too extreme weather fluctuations

Bringer of Facts
Bringer of Facts (@guest_801177)
4 months ago
Reply to  John

The research for a room temperature superconductor goes on, once science and industry has solved that one then solar panels will be more effective.

Redshift (@guest_801181)
4 months ago
Reply to  John

Here is a map of solar efficiency for the UK

Solar panels make absolute sense “that far north” as Glasgow/Edinburgh aren’t really all that far north in reality.

Coll (@guest_801315)
4 months ago
Reply to  John

And if it’s fixed that’s even less efficient.

Ian (@guest_801738)
4 months ago
Reply to  Mark F

There’s a significant on-going maintenance cost to having a roof covered in PVs. You’d need to be sure that you made enough money from the panels to cover it.

Tommo (@guest_802191)
4 months ago
Reply to  Mark F

Wouldn’t need many panels at the rate the Navy is shrinking

Frank62 (@guest_801207)
4 months ago

Very sensible if you can afford to.

Tommo (@guest_801213)
4 months ago
Reply to  Frank62

The Ceo of BAE could easily pay for it BAE systems seems to be doing very well with their order books at this present time

Tommo (@guest_802188)
4 months ago
Reply to  Tommo

It’s a slippery slope too appease shareholder’s by floating the idea of going Green with that seed planted the SNP will willingly fund it BAE in the money

Ian (@guest_801735)
4 months ago

I thought they’d applied to do that before and been turned down by Glasgow’s planning authority?