MBDA wins £400 million UK Brimstone air-to-surface missile deal
According to the company, MBDA will manufacture new Brimstone missiles for Typhoon jets and in future for the RAF's new Protector RPAS and new Apache attack helicopters.
Royal Air Force and French Air Force in joint QRA exercise
Royal Air Force and Armée de l'Air have worked together on a joint Quick Reaction Alert exercise.
F-35C carrier qualifications completed on board USS Abraham Lincoln
Nimitz class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln completed fleet carrier qualifications for the F-35C, marking another milestone for the new aircraft say the US Navy.
Future Combat Air System work progressing
The UK and France recently announced a £1.54bn project to build a prototype of the Future Combat Air System, a defence minister has confirmed that work on this project is progressing despite earlier worries over Brexit
UK orders AMRAAM air-to-air missiles
Raytheon has been awarded a $523 million contract for the production of Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missiles (AMRAAMs) for eight US allies including the UK.
‘Range of options being explored’ to replace British E-3 Sentry fleet
Options for the future delivery of the UK's Airborne Warning and Control capability are being explored, including upgrades to the current E-3 Sentry fleet, however some industry commentators are arguing for a new aircraft type altogether.
Leonardo team down-selected for UK ASDOT competition
The Leonardo, Top Aces and Inzpire team, named Red Aces, has been down-selected by the Ministry of Defence to compete for a contract to meet the Air Support to Defence Operational Training (ASDOT) capability.
Commander visits Typhoon squadron deployed to Greece
The Station Commander at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire has visited 3 (Fighter) Squadron that are currently deployed on the large NATO exercise that is being run in Greece, say the MoD.
F-35B represents ‘significant leap in war-fighting capability’ says US Navy
Recently, A detachment of F-35B jets landed on board the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, marking the first time the aircraft has deployed on board a US Navy ship.
Canadian Chinooks head to Mali to support UN Peacekeeping mission
A six helicopter Air Task Force from the Royal Canadian Air Force will be deployed to support the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) for the next twelve months.