UK may retain early model Typhoons to maintain numbers

The Ministry of Defence is currently reviewing its earlier decision to retire 53 Tranche 1 Typhoon combat aircraft in 2018 as part of the upcoming SDSR.

WATCH: RAF strike Islamic State vehicle

Footage of a strike on an Islamic State vehicle, using a Brimstone missile from from an RAF aircraft.

UK orders more F-35Bs

The UK has ordered six F-35B aircraft in addition to the four already contracted last year. The UK is expected to order 48 as part of a first batch.

WATCH: 17(R) Squadron begin UK F-35 testing

The arrival of the UK's first F35 Lighting II Stealth Fighter Aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base in the USA on the 13th Jan 2015.

WATCH: Typhoon aerial refuelling

Typhoons supported by a Voyager tanker which provides them with additional fuel along the way to Red Flag in the US.

WATCH: Tornado striking target

Tornado GR4 from XV(R) Squadron dropping the Paveway III laser-guided bomb, a highly capable weapon used against hardened and concealed targets.

WATCH: F-35A Completes first aerial gun test

An F-35A has completed the first tests of its internal gun during a test flight, quieting previous rumours it was unable to fire its gun.

WATCH: How the F-35B Lightning works

Royal Navy engineer, Ian Tidball takes you on a tour of F-35B Lightning.

Did Islamic State shoot down a Russian airliner?

Fuelling speculation that the crashed Russian airliner in Egypt was shot down, Islamic State have released a video purporting to show them shooting it down.

WATCH: RAF Reaper drone sinks Islamic State boat

An RAF Reaper attacks Islamic State boat loaded with hundreds of mortar and rocket rounds.



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British patrol ship intercepts drug carrying submarine

HMS Trent has intercepted a narco-submarine carrying £160 million worth of cocaine in the Caribbean Sea, marking the Royal Navy's first successful interdiction of such a vessel.