Germany grounds A400M aircraft over engine worries

Germany has grounded two of its three A400M transport aircraft due to newly discovered gearbox issues on their turboprop engines.

IN PICTURES: F-35B supercarrier flypast

The future of the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force combat air fleets, the F-35B, flew over their future carriers and RAF Marham.

Typhoon with enhanced weapons fit to fly at Air Shows

A BAE Systems Typhoon featuring the latest P3E weapons fit will display at the 2016 Royal International Air Tattoo and Farnborough International Air Show.

Man found guilty of endangering RAF jets

A man accused of endangering RAF jets by shining a powerful torch at them has has been found guilty.

UPDATE: British combat aircraft continue to pound Islamic State

British aircraft have continued to conduct air operations against Islamic State with no civilian casualties.

WATCH: F-35B stealth jets arriving in the UK for first time

Three F-35B fighter aircraft, one British and two from the US Marine Corps have landed in the UK for the very first time.

Queen Elizabeth carriers to get F-35 flypast

The two Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers currently in build in Rosyth are to get a flypast from F-35 aircraft on Friday.

WATCH: F-35B First Transatlantic Flight – Aerial Refuelling

Video of three F-35Bs aircraft making the types first transatlantic flight.

Royal Air Force build new ties with Hungary for C-17 training

The UK Ambassador to Hungary has praised strong ties between the UK and Hungary, following deployment of a C-17 to the country for night flying training.

IN PICTURES: Typhoons escort F-35 into British airspace

The following gallery of images is from an historic event in UK aviation history as the F-35 arrives in the UK for the first time, escorted by Typhoons.



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