Russia a greater threat to Britain than Islamic State says head of British Army

Chief of the General Staff, General Mark Carleton-Smith, has claimed that Russia is a greater threat to Britain than Islamic State.

Belgian firm sells advanced war room software to China

China has obtained software used by NATO for war room mapping, giving the country significant insight into how NATO powers conduct planning.

British Government reaffirm importance of Gibraltar to UK defence

The signing of the Armed Forces (Gibraltar) Act marks an important milestone for both the UK and Gibraltar, say the British government.

UK and northern European allies to tackle Russian disinformation

The UK and northern European allies have agreed to establish a multinational group of experts to tackle Russian disinformation, say the MoD.

NATO-Russia Council meet in Brussels

The NATO-Russia Council, which brings together the 29 Allies and Russia, met in Brussels recently.

Destroyer HMS Diamond and submarine HMS Talent hunt each other in the Mediterranean

The MoD say that HMS Diamond has recently been tested by Tornado, Typhoon and F-16 jets, plus E-3 surveillance aircraft and Voyager tankers in the skies above and around Cyprus.

Minister praises UK-US defence partnership

Stuart Andrew was in Washington to discuss the UK-US defence relationship.

Exercise Saif Sareea 3 concludes

British and Omani forces were engaged over the last few weeks on Ex Saif Sareea 3, culminating in an fire power demonstration lasting more than 30 minutes at two separate locations in Oman.

NATO conference discusses Weapons of Mass Destruction and non-proliferation

A major NATO arms control conference got underway in Iceland on Monday, as senior experts from more than 50 countries and organisations gathered to discuss the state of global arms control treaties.

NATO Deputy Secretary General: ‘Security does not come for free’

NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller laid out the importance of defence spending at a time of unprecedented security challenges in a speech at the annual NATO Resource Conference in Paris.



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