North Korea will have missiles capable of reaching the UK ‘within 18 months’ says Defence Committee

According to the Defence Committee, North Korea will "almost certainly" have Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles able to reach the UK within six to 18 months.

Qinetiq selected by US for next phase of US Army’s Robotic System project

QinetiQ Group has announced that its US business, QinetiQ North America, has been selected as one of two suppliers for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase of the US Common Robotic System project.

68% of Indian military equipment is ‘vintage’ say officials

Indian officers and officials expressed concerns before an Indian parliamentary committee on defence, service chiefs revealed dire shortfalls in equipment and investment. 

US Army exercise sees 45 drones defeated by energy weapons fired from fantastically named ‘laser buggy’

Forty-five unmanned aerial vehicles and drones 'fell out of the sky' during a US Army exercise after Raytheon's fantastically named advanced high-power microwave and laser dune buggy engaged and destroyed them.

‘We will not win in a man-to-man fight’ says US official, citing leverage directed energy weapons will bring the US and allies

Michael D. Griffin, the US undersecretary of defence for research and engineering, spoke to senior leaders from the US government and defence industry to explore the impact of integrating directed energy capabilities into the US military.

Japanese government plans to introduce F-35B fighter jets and a ‘multi-purpose aircraft carrier’

Local media in Japan has reported that the main governing Liberal Democratic Party plans to propose introducing F-35B fighter jets and a multi-purpose aircraft carrier.

Indian ships sink in port amid period of accidents and incidents in the fleet

The last few months have underlined severe issues with accidents in the Indian Navy. There have been 11 accidents involving Indian Navy ships and submarines since August 2014. While most of the accidents did not claim any lives, 21 officers and sailors have died in three mishaps.

NATO’s Operation Sea Guardian to ‘shape waters of Western and Central Mediterranean’

Three NATO ships and a submarine, in cooperation with maritime patrol aircraft, E-3 airborne early warning aircraft and numerous associated ships and submarines, conducted a focused security patrol in the central and western Mediterranean Sea this month.

US Defence Sec: No change in Russian military capability in light of Putin’s speech

US Defence Secretary James N. Mattis said he sees no change in Russia's military capability in light of Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent speech in which he said Russia has nuclear weapons capable of attacking the United States.

Is Putin’s Nuclear Boasting for Real?

How seriously should we take President Vladimir Putin’s address to the Russian Federal Assembly on the 1st of March 2018, where he boasted about radical breakthroughs with Russia’s new nuclear weapons?



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