Scottish Government request assistance from British military

The Ministry of Defence has received a 'Military Aid to Civil Authorities' request from the Scottish Government to assist with the vaccination programme.

British troops ‘ready to deter, ready to fight’ near Russia

Troops from 5 RIFLES deployed on a NATO mission in Estonia are "ready to deter and ready to fight".

British Army setting up vaccination sites in Scotland

The British Army is establishing 80 new COVID-19 vaccine centres for NHS Scotland as part of one of the largest peacetime resilience operations ever undertaken by the British Armed Forces.

Defence scientists ramp up support during Covid-19 pandemic

Scientists from Dstl are working to support a whole host of government agencies and civilian authorities.

New fully autonomous robot ‘seeks out’ chemical agents

British military have successfully trialled a fully autonomous robot that will help personnel dealing with hazardous scenes.

BAE Systems to provide new turret for Dutch CV90s

BAE Systems has signed an extensive mid-life upgrade contract worth more than $500 million with the Dutch Defence Materiel Organization.

UK to supply 100 military vehicles to Lebanon ‘at no cost’

The UK intends to supply a fleet of RWMIK+ Land Rovers "at no cost to the Lebanese Armed Forces".

UK defence equipment plan ‘remains unaffordable’

Today's report from the National Audit Office finds that the Defence Equipment Plan "remains unaffordable for the fourth successive year".

First female officer to lead Division-level Command

Major General Sharon Nesmith has become the first female officer to command at the 2 Star level in the British Army.

Turkey takes charge of NATO high readiness force

Built around Turkey’s 66th Mechanised Infantry Brigade of around 4,200 troops, a total of around 6,400 soldiers are part of the high readiness force.



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