Terrorist attack kills 80+ in France

A terrorist attack has killed over 80 people, including several children, in Nice during the city's annual Bastille Day celebrations. Eyewitnesses report a truck "zigzagging" through crowds with an "intent to kill". https://twitter.com/itele/status/753712322795798528 The local prosecutor's office has stated that at least 80 people are known to have died, with over 100 injured. Eyewitnesses state the driver leapt from the vehicle and began...

British forces to enhance NATO’s rapid response capability

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has authorised support to allies in the East of Europe in order to boost NATO rapid response capability.

MoD selects nuclear material storage site

The Ministry of Defence announce that they have selected a nuclear material storage site as Submarine Dismantling Project progresses.

Female soldiers to be given frontline combat roles

Female soldiers are to be allowed to serve on the frontline in combat roles with an announcement expected later today at the NATO summit.

CHILCOT: British troops were deployed under-equipped

The Iraq Inquiry report has today stated that the British Army units deployed in the Iraq War were not given adequate or sufficient equipment.

UK failed to ‘match resources to objectives’ on Iraq

The report of the Iraq Inquiry released today by Sir John Chilcot has found that the UK failed to match military resources to the tasks undertaken. The report states: "In deciding to undertake concurrent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the UK knowingly exceeded the Defence Planning Assumptions. All resources from that point onwards were going to be stretched. Any decision which...

CHILCOT: Iraq invasion ‘not last resort’

Sir John Chilcot has stated that the UK went to war in Iraq before all peaceful options for disarming Saddam Hussein were exhausted.

CHILCOT: ‘Severity of threat posed by WMDs not justified’

CHILCOT REPORT: "The judgements about the severity of the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were not justified.

1000th UK employer signs up for Armed Forces Covenant

Supermarkets to football clubs, 1000 UK companies have now signed the Armed Forces Covenant.

Iraq invasion planned before Tony Blair told public

The former head of the Royal Navy has claimed that the decision to invade Iraq was made before Tony Blair announced it and "they were looking for a reason". Admiral Lord West told The House magazine: "Of course Blair and everyone else will say, 'No, we didn't make the decision until right up to it'. You can always say that, can't...



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