Royal Navy gets first unmanned minesweeping system

An autonomous minesweeper system has been handed over to the Royal Navy, Defence Minister Guto Bebb has announced.

HMS Defender returns to Portsmouth

HMS Defender has arrived back into Portsmouth after her first time back at sea following an 18-month refit.

UK reaffirms defence relationship with Japan

HMS Sutherland has conducted a series of military exercises with units from the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force and, say the MoD, built upon the continued efforts by the UK government to deepen the military relationship with Japan.

HMS Duncan conducts exercise with NATO warships

HMS Duncan, currently flagship of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, recently led a meeting of NATO vessels in the Aegean Sea.

Is there a case to be made for smaller carriers?

For the last year newspapers, magazines and websites – including this one - have been filled with impressive photographs of the Royal Navy's two new carriers - HMS Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales – commonly referred to as the Queen Elizabeth Class. 

HMS Albion leaves her mark on Indonesia

The first visit by a British warship to the world’s largest island nation in nearly seven years has been heralded a success as HMS Albion caps off a busy three day visit.

MoD deny plans underway to sell Royal Navy Type 23 Frigates to Chile

Late last year, some reported that Chile had been given notice of "potential availability" of Royal Navy warships.

Definition of warship clarified by MoD in wake of support ship international tender

Recent controversy over foreign firms being given access to the tendering process for the solid support ship fleet has caused the Ministry of Defence to confirm they have no plans to modify the definition of 'warship'.

American supercarrier USS Harry S Truman transits Strait of Gibraltar, enters Mediterranean Sea

USS Harry S Truman and her carrier strike group have passed through the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the Mediterranean Sea.

Boris Johnson rejected plans to use HMS Illustrious as a London heliport

According to the recently updated report on the recycling of HMS Illustrious, Boris Johnson's office rejected plans for the vessel to be preserved in London as a heliport.



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