Pakistan has successfully carried out the night training launch of Ghaznavi, a surface to surface ballistic missile.
The missile “is capable of delivering multiple types of warheads up to 290 kilometres”, said Maj Gen Ghafoor via a tweet, which also included a video of the launch.
According to DG ISPR, the president and prime minister “conveyed appreciation to the team and congratulations to the nation” for the successful testing of the missile.
Pakistan successfully carried out night training launch of surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi, capable of delivering multiple types of warheads upto 290 KMs. CJCSC & Services Chiefs congrat team. President & PM conveyed appreciation to team & congrats to the nation.
— DG ISPR (@OfficialDGISPR) August 29, 2019
Earlier in May, Pakistan conducted a successful training launch of Shaheen-II, a surface-to-surface ballistic missile.
In January, Pakistan carried out another successful launch of the tactical ballistic missile Nasr as part of the Army Strategic Forces Command training exercise.
The missile is capable of defeating — by assured penetration — “any currently available BMD [Ballistic Missile Defence] system in our neighborhood or any other system under procurement [or] development”, the military’s media wing had said.
Pakistan has been the chief backer of the Taliban. It has a nuclear arsenal and no love for the west. Why is the United Kingdom giving it foreign aid and allowing its citizens near automatic rights on entry into the U.K.? Cut them off at the knees.
Yeah, and lots of Pakistanis don’t integrate, the mass Pakistani grooming gangs better get deported once out of the Hotel I meant Jail. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they just disappear into the country like all the rest, the police failed thousands of English kids deliberately because they didn’t want to be seen as racist! But Everything’s racist if your white these days! even just mentioning the obvious and the truth.
I’m not clear his leaving the EU will actually effect immigration from Pakistan, indeed it could increase it as more opportunities/skill needs will be available to non Europeans. The only ones that could be effected will be those who use the corupt system that allows some to get EU visas or citizenship (are you listening Sicily) so they can move here indirectly. Personally maybe controversially I would pretty much stop Immigration from Pakistan but that would be very problematic, be called racist (with some justification I guess) and Governments no doubt see it as a threat to influence there whatever… Read more »
And name a threat from the people of Alabama? They are a good and law abiding State. Look at actual murder rates (exclusive of suicide before casting aspersions). Also far as I am aware the State of Alabama has a far higher level of integration than the UK could possibly dream of. Further I do not know anyone who was born in Alabama who would want to trade the weather of Mobile Bay or Selma for the weather of Liverpool or London.
What’s weather got to do with it! And Many Americans live in the UK very happily. The UK gets good and bad weather just like most nations!. And it doesn’t always rain in London like the movies always show. But I think the point above was about some of the redneck racists from Alabama, they do exist don’t they?
Racists exist in every country. Saying someone is a redneck makes them a racist is ignorant. In the South that means in general working class. I have been to London, and by comparison to Texas or the rest of the South the weather is take a picture of the sun so you won’t miss it. As for Americans being happy there? Well yes. One of my daughters is, but living there wasn’t her first choice. The country came with the husband. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t move back to Texas where it is warm and sunny. For people from the South… Read more »
Can some one tell me , who has got highest number of serial killers and rapists, racists , in which religion the priests are abusing boys and girls. The %age of people in UK jail belong to asians or whites or blacks? Grow up people open your brains.
Shut up????
That’s good argument, but why Muslim countries giving oil to the west when they attack Muslim countries for regime change killing children and innocent civilians and there is no argument to protect those innocent people, have they attack the west no , what US is doing with Iran is that fair.
With so much hate in your comments I guess no need to reply to your lies. (Near automatic rights on entry, right!)
Pakistan is doing it for the sack of piece in the region. Taliban is the outcome of U.S. and U.K. and Arabs diplomacy against Soviet union. Don’t blame Pakistan.
Dude,just come and visit Pakistan once…then u’ll realize how much v love u all
Not only for U.K but our love is for each and every country❤❤❤
Go to hell..
Barry Larking you don’t know the history, who made the Taliban? Answer is USA…USA used them against Soviet Union and now Taliban are against USA. Taliban are not human.they are terrorist. Don’t blame Pakistan.blame USA,why they invented Taliban???as for as pakistani are concern they all are contributing in UK with their skills,like doctors,nurses, public transport and in many fields,so please do constructive criticism.
Pakistan is helping USA and Nato forces to bring Taliban on table to bring peace in Afghanistan. Because Peace in afgansitan is good for the don’t ignore pakistan contribution.
Sorry Barry but no love for the West? I think you need to refer back to history and look at the losses of the Indian army to see how much Britain was assisted in world war 1 and 2. Should learn about history and you’ll find that the Queen offered permanent stay in the UK for anyone who fought for Britain in World War which is why you see so many Pakistanis in Britain. It was alright to help Britain win the war but now that its over and done with you want everyone out. Let’s not forget all the… Read more »
‘Pakistan successfully ballistic missile Ghaznavi’
Missing words round ?
We paid Pakistan £463 million in aid in the last year! This needs to stop.
It does seem ridiculous in the face of this. I think it’s judged as ‘soft power’. In any case there’s an inquiry underway:-
Well write to Boris or your MP about it. Ken Clark says that this the most right-wing cabinet ever in the modern Conservative Party. If they are not prepared to do anything about it then all you can hope for is a government under Farage!
And the most disorganised, inept, extreme, and cowardly Z team shadow cabinet in history. Bet Jezza would prefer to re-direct that cash to Hezbollah or some other equally deserving organisation. But alas currently not possible as he suddenly seems not to want to try to be PM!
And, of course, you don’t make political comments. You stuffing great hypocrite!
Yes I do, but generally in reply to others who promote continuous political chuff with a very tenuous link to the military subject at hand. Have a great day.
The chancellor stated today Britain is keeping the 0.7% foreign aid budget! They could have cut it to 0.2% for gods sake! And spend the rest on the UK!! It’s a dam joke. Foreign aid is good but not when it’s tens of billions! Maybe one or two billion max not 13/14 billion.
I used to agree but I’ve changed my mind on this. Soft power has its benefits. And it’s a pittance to what it spent per year.
I agree with the criticisms that it could be spend better though.
I think the same, I used to see the overseas ad budget as dead money, but used wisely, and used for countries who we have a military and economic partnership, or the requirement for a partnership, it can reap rewards long term.
Morning Airborne. Good to see you here. Respect.
It was often the case, that foreign aid freed up parts the recipient countries budget, that was in turn spent on defence. It was notable, that procurement found its way back to the donors arms export industry. This was not always the case, and as someone has pointed out, it also went a long way toward soft power and the maintaining of historic ties. I would argue that this approach has now become less predictable, with China muscling into Africa, and Russia increasingly benefiting from the Asian Subcontinent, especially with SU 35 sales, missile defence, and the offer to India… Read more »
This is something I have never understood, the handing over of vast sums of money, for what? Having travelled through Pakistan to Afghanistan. The first thing you notice is the abject poverty. The infrastructure hasn’t been properly repaired since the days of the Raj. What power is available is mostly stolen as seen by the numerous tap offs along the roads. So where has all the money gone that we have sent them over the years? The money certainly isn’t spent on infrastructure, or by the looks of it improving the housing of the people you see along the roads.… Read more »
We can build a great nation so why can’t they without mass hand outs from the west. And still they can’t create a good nation. India blames the UK! Pakistan blames India I blame actually I don’t give a flack! And neither should our nation.
Many Indians are grateful for what we did over there, and don’t want any aid. They would agree with you. Many of the princely states -Hyderabad and Thiruvithamkoor especially- worked hard to modernise over the centuries, producing some fine soldiers and scientists. While parts of India aren’t in great shape, other parts are rich and democratic.
Israel was helped to be created, done! Helped to arm to the teeth in destroying the entire cities in the Middle Eastern contries, also wrongly compensated by Germany and America, since 1948 till today and also, jews don’t play cricket, Pakistan does and have best uncoditional relation!..
India has just revoked article 370, removing autonomy for parts of the Muslim Jammu and Kashmir region, placing it under direct control of the Indian Government. Both countries have been battling for full control since 1947. Pakistan is responsible for funding Muslim militants and terror organisations, carrying out deadly border incursions and also attacks within India itself, with such horrendous terror acts as the 2008 Mumbai slaughter of more than 160 people. Imran Khan has recently been received by the White House, for talks over Afghanistan and the role of the Taliban in the forthcoming negotiations. I would hazard a… Read more »
Since September 11th response, 3.5 million innocent civilians have been killed confirmed my amnesty international, Amercian and Britain support state terrorism of Israel and funding terrorists in Venezuela China, Pakistan. Grow up.
Please read the UNITED nation Resulations on kashmir.India can’t decide itself for kashmir, it’s hold be resolved according to the wish of kashmiri people.India is responsible for terrorist attack in Balochistan and in Karachi by funding terrorists.example is Pakistan caught Kalboshan Yadive Indian spy who admitted the terrorism in pakistan.What about human rights violations in kashmir, curfew for for almost 5 weeks,come on speak up against india if you still respect human rights.
Kashmir is Muslim, not Jammu or Ladakh which also comes in Jammu and Kashmir state. That’s why 370 was scrapped and they’re broken into two union territory so that Ladakh atleast led a peaceful life and get their share of development money that Muslims in Kahsmir used to take. Addition to that is reducing parliament seats of Kahsmir so that A Muslim from Kashmir cannot become a CM of the state. And thus subsequently cannot help terorirsrs and separatists in Kashmir.
Should have stated: Kashmir and Jammu State, I put region.
Didn’t realise someone authoritative like yourself would be reading it.
Was fully aware of Jammu not being Majority Muslim, unlike the State Itself.
There will be some horrendous Muslim terror attacks coming off the back of this move.
Apart from regional disputes, you are never going to stop them for as long as Islam remains in the Dark Ages…
This move was much needed long ago, even since the Ladakis were asking for a separate union terrority, wanted to be different than Kashmiris since they’re patriotic and doesn’t really like getting their name stick with Kashmir. Plus the funds. So they’re really quite happy finally getting a union terrority all for themslevs. As for the horroundus terror attacks, I don’t think Pakis would like to try more mischief, since last time it resulted in air raids and getting on the brink of war if they hadn’t released our pilot that was downed. Plus for the most part RR does… Read more »
I’m sure it can defeat all balistic missile protection…. yeah I’m sure it can.
Many people on this forum claiming that Pakistanis hate UK. This is factually incorrect. The current PM has his family in UK, and the last 2 PM’s also have millions in assets and families & businesses in UK. The media is clearly doing a good job of spreading islamophobia. Every country has a right to have defensive weapons, else you are a slave to US whims as now UK is finding out. (&Will find out when trade deal is offered by USA). If you look at the last mass killings how many were done by Muslims or Pakistanis. Let’s see… Read more »
Pakistan have full right to defend it’s terrority. India have spent much more budgets then Pakistan on its army. They have more poverty then Pakistan.
Pakistan have all these capabilities for its defence.A very good addition for the defence.Every country have the right for defence.
Nice my previous comment not posted because you like to spread misinformation and cannot digest your false narrative challenged by facts. I feel sorry for you. I am a dual citizen of UK and Pakistan and love this country as much as or more than Pakistan.