Tornado jets strike a building occupied by Islamic State in northern Iraq

Armed reconnaissance patrols continued to be flown daily by RAF aircraft over Syria and Iraq, and on Friday the 17th August, an Islamic State target was identified in northern Iraq.

Tornado jets destroy Islamic State truck in Iraq

Support continues to be given by Royal Air Force to Iraqi security forces as they maintain their efforts to prevent Islamic State elements re-establishing an operational presence in the country.

WATCH: F-35B in action

Footage of the F-35B in action at sea with the United States Marine Corps, nothing more nothing less. Enjoy.

First Wildcat touches down on HMS Queen Elizabeth

The first Wildcat helicopter landed on HMS Queen Elizabeth recently as the aircraft carrier heads to the United States for F-35 trials.

Royal Air Force hands NATO Enhanced Air Policing responsibility to Royal Canadian Air Force

135 Expeditionary Air Wing handed over responsibility for the NATO mission to the Canadians whose Hornet fighter jets will replace Typhoons.

RAF transport Zephyr ‘High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite’ to Australia for concept trials

Zephyr is a High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS) that fills a capability gap between satellites and UAVs.

Apache attack helicopters prepare for Oman exercise

The Army say Apache gunships have opened fire with rockets and cannons as they prepare for a major exercise in Oman.

Will the F-35 have laser weapons in the future?

Companies involved in the F-35 programme are considering laser weapon concepts for use by the aircraft.

US Navy awards Boeing $805.3 million contract to design, build MQ-25A Stingray

The contract provides for the design, development, fabrication, test, delivery, and support of four MQ-25A unmanned air vehicles, including integration into the carrier air wing for an initial operational capability by 2024.

Typhoon to remain at forefront of combat air capability in Europe ‘for decades’

Typhoon is to remain at the forefront of combat air capability in Europe for decades to come, according to Air Commodore Linc Taylor.



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Calls for a formal UK-EU defence pact

Liberal Democrat Defence Spokesperson Helen Maguire MP urged the government to push for a stand-alone UK-EU defence pact, arguing that Britain risks being left behind in future European defence investment initiatives.