First Hand Look – Inside a Challenger 2 tank as the...

Exclusive footage shows the inside of a British Army Challenger 2 tank as the L30A1 120mm rifled gun is fired. 

First Hand Look – HMS Daring fires Aster missile

We were sent a video of HMS Daring firing an Aster missile, enjoy.

Glasgow hospital hits 1,000 helipad landings

The QEUH in Glasgow has seen around 1,000 helicopter landings.

First Hand Look – 845 NAS and their new Merlin

Exclusive video from inside the new Merlin Mk4.

Weekly Briefing – 5th of May 2019

The UK Defence Journal weekly briefing for the week ending 5th May, 2019.

WATCH: Inside the B-2 Stealth bomber

Take a look inside the cockpit of the B-2 stealth bomber.

Weekly Briefing – 14th of April 2019

The UK Defence Journal weekly briefing for the week ending 14th of April, 2019.

Weekly Briefing – 7th of April 2019

The UK Defence Journal weekly briefing for the week ending 7th of April, 2019.

WATCH: Jet pack used to complete Royal Marines assault course

Ex-Royal Marines Reservist Richard Browning flew a 1000bhp jet pack suit around the Royal Marines assault course at the Commando Training Centre in Devon.

WATCH: First F-35 jet lands on HMS Queen Elizabeth

Video shows F-35 jets landing on HMS Queen Elizabeth off the US coast.



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