Opinion Section

How the British defeated Napoleon with citrus fruit

Without citrus, the years of blockades of French ports by the Royal Navy would not have been practical.

Farage pushes Russian propaganda with Ukraine comments

Farage's claims push Russian propaganda, are amateurish and inconsistent with his own principles of national sovereignty.


Australian Type 26 Frigate variant contract awarded

Australia has awarded BAE Systems Maritime Australia a contract to build the first three Hunter class frigates, marking the transition into its formal construction phase.

Royal Navy demo patrol boats with minehunting capability

The Royal Navy say it has has successfully utilised its smallest warships as launchpads for autonomous mine hunting operations for the first time.

MOD awards BAE £480m Combat Management Systems contract

The contract encompasses a wide range of assets, including "Type 23 Frigates, Type 45 Destroyers, Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers, Landing Platform Docks, Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships, and Type 26 Frigates".


E-11A Aircraft enable humanitarian airdrops in Gaza

E-11A aircraft, equipped with the Battlefield Airborne Communication Node (BACN), have been pivotal in facilitating humanitarian airdrops in Gaza since early March 2024.

European defence strengthened by British paratroopers

British paratroopers jumped from US Air Force C-17 transport aircraft, earning their US Army jump wings.

Bangladesh C-130Js reach full strength with Marshall support

The formal handover took place at Marshall's headquarters in Cambridge.


BAE GlobalFoundries collaborate on semiconductor supply

BAE Systems and GF will focus on long-term planning for emerging technologies and joint research.

Leicestershire man jailed for posts encouraging terrorism

A Leicestershire man, who described a mass killer as a ‘hero’ and shared harrowing footage of a terrorist attack, has been jailed for encouraging terrorism.

NATO Secretary General emphasises commitment to Ukraine

In a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustem Umerov briefed Allies on the current battlefield situation.

International News

Fact Checks

A Russian submarine, Scotland, and an odd conspiracy

A recent BBC Scotland news story about the sighting of a Russian submarine off the west coast of Scotland has sparked a flurry of odd reactions on social media.

The myth that nukes are in Scotland to keep England safe

Misconceptions can often take root and spread quickly, one incorrect claim is that the UK stores all of its nukes in Scotland because they're too dangerous to keep in England. 

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