Having spent over a decade working in the National Health Service before I entered journalism full-time, working in various hospital wards and departments, including the Glasgow Royal Hospital for Children, the recent Russian missile attack on Ukraine’s Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital leaves me horrified and furious.

This is a calculated and cruel assault on the most vulnerable—sick children who are already fighting for their lives.

Think about the mindset behind such actions. We have a government that flaunts a macho image, with President Vladimir Putin famously posing shirtless on a horse like some kind of delusional, arrogant weirdo. These so-called tough guys have chosen to bomb a children’s hospital. An actual human adult man has decided to kill children and, inexplicably, has been cheered on by his circle.

This article is the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the UK Defence Journal. If you would like to submit your own article on this topic or any other, please see our submission guidelines.

This isn’t strength; it’s sheer cowardice and moral bankruptcy. It shows a regime willing to target the innocent to maintain a façade of power.

On July 8, 2024, Russia launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine, hitting cities like Kyiv and Kryvyi Rih with over forty missiles. This brutal onslaught killed at least 33 people and injured around 125. In Kyiv alone, the devastation was severe, with 20 dead and 61 injured. The Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, a treatment centre for children with cancer, took a direct hit, destroying operating rooms and trapping people under the rubble.

Over 60% of the hospital was reportedly destroyed, with fires breaking out, adding to the horror. Think about this when you see the inevitable pro-Russian simpletons or bots.

Russian missile hits childrens hospital

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy stated, “Russia cannot be unaware of where its missiles are landing and must be held fully accountable for all its crimes: against individuals, against children, and against humanity as a whole.” This attack is part of a broader pattern of targeting civilians and essential infrastructure, aiming to break the spirit of the Ukrainian people by causing maximum suffering. The Germans tried that with us during the blitz; it didn’t work then either, but it’s not really a surprise the Russian Government are emulating the Nazis, is it?

The destruction in Kyiv affected multiple districts. Residential buildings, infrastructure, and the hospital bore the brunt of the attack. In the Solomianskyi district, a missile hit a multi-storey building, killing seven people and destroying 1,500 square metres of space. Fires erupted in the Desnianskyi and Sviatoshynskyi districts, while in the Shevchenkivskyi district, an apartment building was demolished, displacing countless families.

Russia’s justification that these strikes were aimed at defence industry targets in retaliation for Ukrainian actions is not only unconvincing but also irrelevant, considering the human cost. The Security Service of Ukraine has found fragments of the Kh-101 missile, corroborated by video evidence, underscoring the deliberate nature of these attacks on civilian areas.

Witnessing such barbarism, many are calling for decisive action. There are growing demands to obliterate the bases from which these bombers launched their missiles. I fully agree. The international community cannot stand by while war crimes of this magnitude are committed.

Swift and decisive action is necessary to hold those responsible accountable and prevent further atrocities.

As a new father, this attack hits particularly close to home. The thought of innocent children, who should be receiving care and hope, being targeted by such brutal force is beyond distressing. It’s a stark reminder of the lengths to which some will go to instil fear and chaos.

I apologise for this opinion piece, as I usually stick to reporting the news, but this atrocity demands a personal response. Having walked and worked the halls of a children’s hospital, where the whole point of every single human being working or volunteering there is to support, heal and protect, I can’t imagine the terror and chaos that the staff and patients at Okhmatdyt endured, I don’t know if I’d have been able to show the strength they have. The idea that a place of healing could become a target in a ruthless campaign of terror is beyond comprehension.

We must stand in solidarity with Ukraine and its people, condemning these barbaric acts and supporting efforts to defend against such inhumanity. The resilience of the Ukrainian people is admirable, but they should not have to face this alone. The global community must act to ensure justice and restore peace.

This attack, which hit children and medical staff, exposes the true nature of Putin’s regime—one that revels in cruelty and terror. It’s time the world recognised this for what it is: a despicable, unforgivable assault on innocent lives. We cannot and must not stand by. It’s time for action.

Ultimately, this is a fight for humanity itself. The values we hold dear—compassion, decency, and the protection of the innocent—are entirely incompatible with the evil displayed in this attack. To allow such acts to go unanswered is to accept a world where might make right and the vulnerable are mere collateral damage.

This is not just Ukraine’s battle; it is a stand for the core principles that define us as human beings. We must ensure that these values prevail and that justice is served for the sake of all humanity.

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George has a degree in Cyber Security from Glasgow Caledonian University and has a keen interest in naval and cyber security matters and has appeared on national radio and television to discuss current events. George is on Twitter at @geoallison
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Nevis (@guest_833151)
2 months ago

No need to apologise for your opinion George. We all agree with it. Anyone with an ounce of humanity should do too! Utterly barbaric what Putin is doing!

Andrew D
Andrew D (@guest_833162)
2 months ago

How does this man sleep at night knowing he’s send Thousands of is own troops to death in a needless war .And of course Ukrainian troops and civilians.But to target children hospitals honestly 🙄

Knight7572 (@guest_833510)
2 months ago
Reply to  Andrew D

Because Putin is a deranged power mad psychopath who only cares about himself

Knight7572 (@guest_833166)
2 months ago

Yeah I would point out that the United States of America is guilty of bombing hospitals as they bombed hospitals during the Vietnam War

Tams (@guest_833189)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

That doesn’t justify this in any way.

Go away now, Ivan.

Jacko (@guest_833212)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

So no condemnation of this attack then? Pretty obvious where you’re coming from isn’t it? Now sod off!

Knight7572 (@guest_833503)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

I am not sure if there was a condemnation of this attack on the Leper Hospital cause it happened nearly 60 years ago but I suspect there probably was at the time

Last edited 2 months ago by Knight7572
Jacko (@guest_833513)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

Are you for real or are you just being stupid? Do you condemn the attack on the children’s hospital?

Knight7572 (@guest_833517)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jacko

Of course I condemn the attack but unfortunately history undermines the moral high ground the west stands on in regards to it

Jacko (@guest_833539)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

You really are a sad piece of work aren’t you!

Wasp snorter
Wasp snorter (@guest_833782)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

No it doesn’t, the’West’ is just a political term, it’s not some moral ground we all stand on, peering down on other countries. The ‘West’ as you put it was murdering each other by the millions just a few decades ago. We are not responsible for previous wars when we condemn Russian decision makers for targeting a Childerens Hospital today, the brutality and spite in that cowardly decision is another suitcase of shame for Russians to carry for generations to come.

Knight7572 (@guest_833509)
2 months ago
Reply to  George Allison

Yeah I know it is in poor taste

But I wanted to point out that while Russia has done something criminal and the people in charge should be tried for war crimes, it is not a new thing

Last edited 2 months ago by Knight7572
Wasp snorter
Wasp snorter (@guest_833784)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

It doesn’t need to be pointed out great Sage, yes humans have murdered each other for 50000 years, so no shit Sherlock. What’s next, are you going to remind us what Emporer Ceasar did to the Gauls as context to Putin launching this murderous war? Strip away your need to be a ‘know all’ and take this for what it is, someone targeting a Childerens hospital to kill sick Childeren as some sort of perverse revenge. I bet you would not say those dumbass things if you was taken around that hospital, you’d be crying instead at what you’d see.

MrSatyre (@guest_833432)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

Hardly the same thing as targeting a children’s hospital, Vatnik.

“The bigger the hospital, the better it was,” he said. Stevenson said he believed the hospitals were rated highly as potential targets, not because American commanders wanted to attack wounded enemy troops, but because hospital complexes were often protected by company- or battalion-sized troop units

Knight7572 (@guest_833504)
2 months ago
Reply to  MrSatyre

I am not a Russian bot! I am just pointing out that the Russians aren’t the only ones to have done something like this

it was between June 13th and June 21st 1965 during the Vietnam War when the USAF bombed the Quynh Lap Leper Hospital killing 140 people

Tams (@guest_834920)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

Doubling down is a bold strategy.

Something tells me it ain’t working out too well for you.

Jack (@guest_833450)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

Oh, well that is OK then. Nothing to see here folks, Russia did nothing wrong.

Knight7572 (@guest_833505)
2 months ago
Reply to  Jack


bombing the hospital is breaching Geneva Convention 1

Jonathan (@guest_833596)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

Yes and Germany once murdered 10 millions Jews, Slavs and Roma but no one with any sense says “ oohhh Germany you cannot condemn an appalling war crime”….literally every nation and people in the history of humanity have committed war crimes, does that mean no one has any moral authority to stand up and say something is wrong….no it does not….Hitler and his government would have no moral authority….the U.S. administration that ordered that bombing would not have moral authority….but all of us, our present government, the present US government, yes we can stand up and call it out…. there… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Jonathan
Wasp snorter
Wasp snorter (@guest_833780)
2 months ago
Reply to  Knight7572

We incinerated Dresden in WW2, melted children hiding in cellars, but what has that, or the Vietnam war, got to do with this attack last week? It doesn’t require context to other wars, if it did then anything is excused.

Jacko (@guest_833211)
2 months ago

Agree 100% pootin should have nowhere to hide after this madness is over!

FieldLander (@guest_833289)
2 months ago

A pity we (the UK) have little to offer in terms of stopping this from happening again. Not withstanding the substantial support provided to date, air defence is not something we can do right now.

FormerUSAF (@guest_833506)
2 months ago

It would be an intriguing development, if as a result of this atrocity and others, NATO collectively approved usage of NATO member supplied weaps on Russian targets w/in Russian border. Probability is remote, given geopolitical stance of Hungary, Slovakia and perhaps Turkey, but refreshing to contemplate. 🤔

Mark F
Mark F (@guest_833857)
2 months ago
Reply to  FormerUSAF

Condolence and sympathys to those who lost loved ones in the hospital, a shameful act of brutality, and no doubt a provocation aimed at N.A.T.O Question is…how far will this Monster go before someone says Enough ! Ither way this Ahole is going to continue and no doubt collect more support along the way. I see now India is making freinds with Russia, guess they smell the money to be made from the horrors Putin is bringing about, i wonder how many more of the sick and twisted war mongers will crawl out of there cesspits to join in for… Read more »

Knight7572 (@guest_833524)
2 months ago

Yeah unfortunately these attacks on hospitals will continue to happen because Putin has shown that he does not care about international law as he most certainly viewed it as something to be ignored

Python15 (@guest_833912)
2 months ago

OK, I know it’s infeasible in the extreme and naive of me but I want to say it anyway. Bomb the b@stards back to the Dark Ages where they belong!

MaccLad (@guest_833969)
2 months ago
Reply to  Python15

Completely understand and share the sentiment!

AlbertStartburst (@guest_834073)
2 months ago

Completely agree George.

Disgraceful of “The West” to only enable Ukraine to not lose the war, rather than drive out Putin completely. Meanwhile poor Ukraine sacrifices its blood to prevent a wider conflict.

Shame on countries like India. Shame on the UK too for not sanctioning India for its support of Putin.

Shameful too of the UK, for no longer having a defence industry with the resources to make a real difference.

Luke Rogers
Luke Rogers (@guest_834399)
2 months ago

Were there Hamas tunnels under it?