RAF personnel killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash

Two RAF personnel have been killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

Protector drone to be Reaper derivative

The MoD have now confirmed that Protector will be a derivative of the MQ-9 Reaper.

Polish F-16 Strikes Drone

A Polish F-16 has collided with a civilian drone, underlining concerns many aviators have with the growing popularity of the unlicensed and uncontrolled aerial...

US Marine Corps land MV-22 on British flagship, HMS Ocean

The US Marine Corps have landed an Osprey on British flagship HMS Ocean as preparation for upcoming exercise Trident Juncture.

Britain expected to begin airstrikes in Syria within weeks

The Government is preparing to hold a parliamentary vote authorising the extension of British strikes into Syria.

British combat drone fleet set to double

The Protector programme will see the UK acquire at least 20 Remotely Piloted Air Systems to replace the Reaper drones currently in service.

Merlins visit Las Vegas

The Commando Helicopter Force have taken their Merlins to Las Vegas for two weeks of training to rescue casualties while under fire.

RAF Lossiemouth Prepares for Joint Warrior

RAF Lossiemouth is set to host a large number of allied aircraft for Exercise Joint Warrior, which will take place from the 5th to the 16th of October.

Mystery aircraft was Sentinel preparing for Joint Warrior

An RAF Sentinel sparked wild speculation after it was spotted looping around the west of Scotland taking part in preparation for the Joint Warrior exercise.

RAF Search and Rescue operations have now ceased

They will be remembered for their tireless provision of life saving assistance and professionalism, if you at any point were part of this, thank you.



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