First Archer artillery gun for British Army arrives in UK
Designed by BAE Systems Bofors in Sweden, the UK expects four more Archers by year's end, with the remaining batch due by spring 2024.
Conflict breaks out in Israel and Gaza
In the early hours, a series of rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, targeting various locations within Israel.
Sunak tweet debunked; Czechs sent first tanks to Ukraine
The United Kingdom was the first country to pledge Western tanks to Ukraine, however, the distinction of being the first to provide tanks goes to the Czech Republic.
UK ranked second most powerful country in ‘soft power’
Soft power is a measure of a country's ability to shape international outcomes without the use of force, largely through diplomacy.
Ukraine nears NATO membership, Secretary General affirms
"Ukraine’s future is in NATO. As we work together to prepare you for that future, NATO will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."
British Army tests battlefield support to helicopters
"The concept is nothing new, but this is the first time it's been done in the field to enable and sustain 1st Aviation Brigade Combat Team."
Novichok clean-up team heads to Europe for exercise
Personnel previously involved in the 2018 Salisbury Novichok Incident clean-up are now actively participating in NATO's annual 'Toxic Trip' Exercise.
British Army engineers show why bridges win wars
"There are an awful lot of big rivers in Europe, so if we are going to keep on the move, and killing the enemy, a core part of that is getting across those big spans of water."
Troubled Ajax armoured vehicle project ‘in recovery’
Ajax’s Initial Operating Capability of a trained and deployable squadron is to be achieved between July and December 2025.
Stoltenberg in NYC: Backing Ukraine vital for NATO safety
In a conversation with former US Representative Jane Harman, Mr. Stoltenberg expressed how the Ukrainian conflict has global ramifications on security.