First nuclear powered aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise, to be decommissioned

The final goodbye ceremony for USS Enterprise will take place on February the 3rd at the Newport News Shipbuilding yard, the same yard she was built.

New naval radar system Artisan 3D passes sea-based acceptance trials

The Artisan 3D radar system has successfully completed three years of sea-based trials on the Royal Navy’s Type 23 frigates.

HMS Queen Elizabeth sea trials date slips to Summer

It has emerged that HMS Queen Elizabeth will now sail for sea trials in Summer instead of Spring as previously expected. However, in such complex engineering projects, this type of occurrence isn't a cause for concern nor is it unusual.

HMS Westminster returns to sea after major refit

Type 23 Frigate HMS Westminster is now back at sea after a major refit sporting a new radar and a new missile system.

Saudi warship attacked by Houthi rebels

A Saudi Al Madinah class frigate has come under attack by three 'suicide boats' belonging to Houthi militants while on patrol west of Yemen.

HMS Lancaster to return to fleet

HMS Lancaster will spend several more months alongside before entering refit and rejoining the fleet.

First aircraft to fly from HMS Queen Elizabeth in Summer

Merlin helicopters will be the first aircraft to begin flying from HMS Queen Elizabeth, soon followed by Apache, Wildcat, Chinook and F-35.

IN PICTURES: Russian carrier escorted by British warships and jets

Pictures show HMS St Albans and Typhoon jets escorting the Russian carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and nuclear powered guided missile cruiser Petr Velikiy.

How serious was the Trident missile test failure?

It wasn't at all serious, here's why.

British officers to embark aboard American carrier to practice Carrier Strike Group operations

The next step in preparation for the deployment of HMS Queen Elizabeth will see Royal Navy staff embark on the USS George H.W. Bush.



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